If you have ever experienced flow you know how exhilarating it can be.
Your actions glide effortlessly.
You challenge your abilities with confidence and skill.
You soar towards your goals with clarity of focus and awareness.
Contrast this with your feelings when you lose flow.
Stop doing, simply be.
Stop stifling, simply free.
Stop straining, simply flow.
Stop wavering, simply go.
Stop doubting, simply know.
Stop limiting, simply grow.
Stop withholding, simply please.
Stop constricting, simply breathe.
Stop taking, simply give.
Stop calculating, simply live.
How do you define your personal comfort zone?
In physical terms, your comfort zone is the temperature range at which the naked human body is able to preserve a balance of heat without sweating or shivering.
Your emotional comfort zone is the situation in which you feel comfortable, secure, or in control.
It is the psychological state you maintain because it feels the safest and the most familiar.
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Have you noticed that how you get out of bed affects how you feel the entire day?
Get up grousing and you are likely to grouse for hours after.
Arise in anticipation and the day opens into a treasure house of possibilities.
So how about a 2010 goal to get out of bed in a way that supports rather than hinders your daily activities?
This morning I awoke to the brilliance of the first snow this winter.
Even behind closed curtains the sunlit whiteness of the mountains brightened the room.
A welcoming dazzle that urged me to greet the day’s untapped potential.
Barbara Montgomery, a cherished friend from school days in Scotland, just sent me this satellite photo of the current whiteout in the UK.
What do you think of this Ice Age depiction?
Friends and family are experiencing one of the coldest winters ever and and my mother tells me the whole of Britain, unprepared and unaccustomed to such conditions, is at a standstill.
But my impulse to immediately share this weather image without having to write a regular blog post has motivated me to add a new blog category, Microblog.
Today, January 8, 2010, marks the start.